Food As Medicine

Many people in our community suffer from diet-related health problems that are preventable – such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Food As Medicine is a weekly workshop series that focuses on food as a primary source of healing. We want to support our community in getting well and staying well, starting with food!

The Food As Medicine workshop series includes 10 weekly workshops taught by health professionals, nutritionists and cooks who specialize in preparing delicious food for optimal health. Our policy is for our leadership to reflect the community, so workshop leaders are generally Lower 9th Ward residents or part of the larger African-American community. The workshop series begins and ends with free health screenings, conducted by Baptist Community Health Clinic. Additionally, we screen a film (past films include Forks Over Knives and Soul Food Junkies) and go on field trips (past trips include healthy grocery store tours and a visit to the Sangoma House herbal healing garden). The series culminates with a fun “Chopped”-style cooking contest!!

Food As Medicine is made possible by a grant from Whole Cities Foundation and supported by Whole Foods Market Broad Street.